Book #21

Chasing Harry Winston: A Novel by Lauren Weisberger is our next bookclub choice:

Similar to our last bookclub release, our Chicken Lit Bookclub members have read an earlier book release by Lauren Weisberger, moving Chasing Harry Winston: A Novel to the forefront in our newest book selection. How will this novel compare? Let’s give it a go and see for ourselves.

We’ll be reading a total of 278 pages in chapters with names rather than numbers. So this time, discussions will be divided into @90 page segments:

Bring a reader friend – the word disappoint is missing from our vocabulary.

10 Responses to Book #21

  1. maksbestfriend says:

    I got to the “if you think it’s too big, you don’t deserve it”. I am listening so it is harder to determine stopping points, but I am listening away, what a book!

  2. @maksbestfriend – I have 46 pages left in that chapter, and I’m still curious about why the author named the chapter as such. 😮 This could get interesting… meanwhile, how do you like the sound of the book? Good reader voice?

  3. maksbestfriend says:

    The reader has a really good voice for this, especially Adrianna (sp). I have to listen for the words to get to the point you want us to stop at. Because the audio version of this book is not saying chapter this or that, it is just going forward. I am apparently in Chapter 4 of the book already, with an hour and some odd minutes left to listen to it. I have to say that I am so glad that I am no least so far…

  4. maksbestfriend says:

    I just hit “friendly really means available and desperate”. Adrianna…wow..

  5. maksbestfriend says:

    “it’d be nauseating if it weren’t so goddamn cute”

    I hit that point too…Wow, double wow, what a turn of events. I am not saying anything else, but I am almost finished! Kudos Dory, kudos!

  6. maksbestfriend says:

    This was an awesome book! Loved, loved, loved it, cannot wait to discuss it!

  7. Dory says:

    Becca! Girl… you are WAY ahead of me! lol I’m not surprised… I am reading but I was hoping to make it to the discussion #1 quota in time for that! lol I see I better get crackalacking! 😛

  8. maksbestfriend says:

    Well you know that I am a bon bon eating housewife with nothing else to do today but listen!

    Hey I got Hissy Fit in the mail today! 1 down a few more to go!

  9. @maksbestfriend – *ack!* You finished already? I’m still holding to the timeline – will you be able to post w/o spoilers?

    @Dory – Not surprised about Becca here either. She’s a speedy one! This week has me pulled in too many directions to finish early, so no hurry. I’ll be posting discussion #1 tomorrow, so please keep an eye out.

  10. maksbestfriend says:

    I guess if I must be a good chick, I can be. It will be a stretch, to be certain, but I will do my utmost best not to be a spoiler…now where is my bribe for keeping my yap zipped? I can be paid well in chocolate! 😉

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